Creative vacatons

Creative vacatons

Monday, 26 November 2012

Aurora Borealis welcoming me back after covering my home team losing the finals

I spent the week end in Oslo covering the finals in football for Nordlys (regional newspaper). TIL, the Tromsø team was huge favorites. They play in another division than Hødd, the other team. Yet TIL lost. Credits goes to Hødd's keeper Ørjan Håskjold Nyland. He did an amazing job.
I'm not going to go into lengths about the match if you are interested go here:
Unlikely team wins

Silvia picked me and the gear up at the airport. I had not only my own personal gear, but also the set up for doing live web TV, which I had the technical responsibility for. Just as I got out of the car there was a huge Aurora dancing over the sky. It was moving fast, and we could see both green and red. I was too tired to take any photos, and by the time Silvia decided to shoot it was mostly gone.

Here are some of her shots:

It was almost full moon, and I think these shots shows clearly that you can still see the northern lights in full moon.

As a tribute to Hødd's keeper Ørjan Håskjold Nyland I also want to post some photos of him in action.
The images are best seen large. Please click on them for a larger view.

But TIL did manage to score:

And then  Ørjan  (which is a Scandinavian version of the name George by the way) saved one too many penalty shots

And we were sad

To see the Aurora when I got back home made me feel better.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Aurora really made a spectacular show yesterday!!
I'm speechless.

James and Lorika enjoying Aurora in Ersfjordbotn

Hélène et Marc

There was even some red in the Aurora this night. 
Thank you Aurora!

Monday, 19 November 2012

Serene and Kelvin wait patiently and get rewarded.

The clouds were hanging thick over Tromso, and the wind was from the south west. We decided that the best thing would be to drive to north east. We drove to Skibotn in Storfjord and found a beach. When we arrived there was another bus there. Thus we were careful with our headlamps and went to the other side of the beach, a few hundred meters away from the other group. This way we didn't ruin any of the photos they were taking, and we didn't ruin their night vision.

(Kelvin and Serene with their headlamps are off)

The northern lights were at her full beauty and Kelvin was shooting away, making tons of nice pictures when a third group decided to crash the party. To find the beach they lit up their lights in full power and directed them straight on us. To make sure they blinded us completely, and to ruin as many of Kelvin's photos as possible, they came down one by one, instead of together. Since the beach is very long we found it best to move further away because they seemed to enjoy their headlights more than the northern lights. 

After a while the northern lights got dimmer and eventually vanished. The two other groups left, but we decided to wait a while. After some soup, coffee, tea and chocolate cookies, Aurora rewarded our patience and danced for us again. 

Kelvin was kind enough to lend me his 85mm f/1.2. I think this image shows how a long lens is very good for  northern light photography. I still think wide angle lenses are the most useful, but don't leave your long lens at home!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Honeymoon under the northern lights

Sophie and Richard started their honeymoon in Tromso. They were in luck as the lady Aurora danced her honeymoon over their heads on the wintry beach.

Richard is the photographer among them, but Sophie got the chance to learn a few new things and bring home a few photos of her own.

 We wish you all the best an hope that you will see lots more northern lights on the rest of your trip.